is a little thing with the face of a failed newborn: protruding ears, eyes sunken in orbit, a wonky nose and a rubbish mouth. Small, dull, with crusty skin. An expert in crack and junk, thinks she knows everything about everything.
Crâsse is the born-abandoner, the eternal cruel child. It's the ugly but also the teaser, the joker.
Crâsse seeks to "be a family" at any cost! And it's a family story that will be written with the public.
Because today is THE day, parents' day! THE day when Crâsse will be able to adopt new ones, brand
new ones! But fear not parents, Crâsse wouldn't hurt a fly. She will know how to love you... as she
loved those before…

Création 2023
PUBLIC : All public from 6 years old
DURATION : 45 mins
AUDIENCE SIZES : about 500 people
Creation and acting : Camille Moukli Perez
Outside view : Adèle Michel
Creation of the "decors". : Florence Garcia
Engineer : Adèle Michel / Marine Dubruque
Distribution manager : Alice - Jaspir Prod
Photographs : Claudine Julien and Gauthier
Les Abattoirs (FR), Le Samovar (FR), Les Renc'Arts (FR)
Le Samovar (Bagnolet, 93), La Bertoche (Le Mans, 72), La Factorie (Val de Reuil, 27), Aire de Cirque (Dolus d'Oléron, 17), le Théâtre du Fon du loup (Carves, 24), the city of Billom (63), La Cale (Cognac, 16), Le SAX (78).
This project was initiated in January 2016 at the Samovar School as part of the Year of Creation.